Sunday, November 20, 2016

Consecration: the thought of it inspires me to use my time well.
Whether it is in prayer, pausing to recognize the Presence of God, or to offering up one’s work for a special intention.
On this day dedicated to Our Blessed Mother as well as to cloistered religious, we realize the meaning of consecrating one’s entire life to God.  We can do this as well.

Dear Mother Mary, help me consecrate my life to God, and to trust in Him as you did.  Make me a doer of His Word.  Amen!

Friday, November 18, 2016

Our Advent Challenge
Advent is a week away.  In the monastery, we have what we call an “Advent Challenge.”  It’s kind of like Lent.  The monastery is extra quiet, letter-writing waits until Christmas, and special readings are said during meals.  But what will our personal resolutions be?
I encourage you to let the anticipation of Christ’s birth fill your hearts like Mary’s; to be faithful like Joseph; be willing like the donkey.
What gift do you have for the infant Jesus?  Ponder this well, and never be discouraged.  Remember what I wrote a couple blogs ago.  We can also include our empty hands. 

Maranatha!  Come Lord Jesus!
There are many reasons for me to be with my religious community in spirit.

  • ·        Sr. Mary Emmanuel’s (my novice mistress’) feast day on the Feast of Christ the King.  Happy feast day dear sister!
  • ·         The little retreat in preparation for the renewal of vows on the Feast of the Presentation of Our Lady
  • ·         The death anniversary of Sr. Alice Marie, my inspiration (well, each sister is an inspiration to me)

So many dear customs and memories!  But I choose to rejoice with them.  They are solemn commemorations.  Have a blessed week dear Sisters!

Monday, November 14, 2016

Empty Hands
St. Therese teaches that we must come before God with empty hands.  Sometimes offering things up is bearable, like doing an act of kindness for someone.  But there's also the times where things like an inconvenient illness can be hard to cope with.  
But this beloved saint of mine teaches us not to think of what we merit, but to see everything as a blessing from God- even the hard things!  And then, when it seems unbearable, we can give God the nothing in our giving.
Know that I pray for this nothing that you might have (no pun intended), that you may have the strength to bear it.  Amen.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

The time of the election is coming to a close.  I have been praying for it all day!  For the next four years, we will be determining the fate of millions of unborn babies.  Will we set up laws to protect them or to sentence them to a brutal death because no one was able to support their mothers? 
Now is the time to trust in God as we prepare to face the next four years with whatever our new president has in mind.  Let us pray that he or she be open to the Wisdom of God according to what is best for the people. 

America, we are still one nation under God!

Sunday, November 6, 2016

It is hard to accept things sometimes.  Do you think it was easy for me to leave the monastery?  Everyone has their own, personal story.  Change is not always fun.  But, because we choose to face them, they are filled with hope.
Trust is essential, as well as doing things to help oneself.  Set goals and keep God in decisions.  Let Him speak to you. Even if you don't know what He would say, let Him look down from the cross and love you- let Him love you to death.
Image result for crucifixIt's a lot about listening, but it is also about deciding.  The rough times will pass.  The sun will rise again.
Again I repeat: The sun will rise again.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Apparently November is a good month to be storywriting, because that is what a certain website challenges many of us with.  (  50,000 words is not easy, but I was able to accomplish just this while I was sick last year.  It gave me a goal to work towards.  I’m telling you, the last 10,000 words were not easy.
It’s November 3 and I have only written 400 words so far.  I’m behind!  But I like the challenge.  I don’t see 50,000 to be a realistic goal while I’m busy with school, youth group, and more important writing deadlines; otbut I like the idea of actually completing a story.  I feel all set with my peanuts and m&m’s from Halloween sales at the desk beside me! 

It’s always good to set goals.  They motivate us and encourage us to become better.  Even if, like me, the last segment is the hardest, it gives us that final push to end well.  Happy writing!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

All Saints Day
            This past Tuesday, we celebrated the Feast of All Saints.  God be Praised!  Sometimes I wonder what it means to be a saint.  I have a two-pointer answer:
·         to live the message of the gospel and
·         that we can intercede for others from Heaven after we die. 

As St. Therese once prayed to Jesus: “I want to be a saint, but I feel so helpless.  Be yourself my sanctity!”  We are all called to take on the Way of Jesus.  After all, He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life!
            My religious community I used to belong to (The Sisters of the Visitation of Holy Mary in Tyringham, MA) have a long tradition of drawing one of the beatitudes.  We read about each one in the gospel on this special day. It helps each of the sisters to reflect on and to be assured by the one they chose.

            The witness of the saints inspires us to live the gospel in our own lives.  And it is not a hard way, so long as one feels open to the challenge.  It is the way of self-sacrificial, joy-filled love!  God be Praised!