Friday, October 22, 2021


In the gospel two days ago, Jesus starts off by acclaiming “I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing!”  There is this strong desire to change the world, and that is through His proclamation of the Kingdom, and in His works of redemption. 

For me lately, I have been shyer about explaining the faith to others.  But what kind of difference does that make?  While writing this, it has made me recall my early days in helping at youth group, and how much more “on fire” I was.  But now I see the great need to keep this fire going, these flames of love.  From my own spiritual reading, I see the responsibility as a Catholic to proclaim the faith both in word and deed.

I invite you to join me in this self-examination of conscience: How am I bringing the love of Christ to others?

Thursday, October 14, 2021

New Beginnings

 God be Praised! At long last, I am writing another blog post.  My heart still sings praise to God as I enter into a newness of life; that of being recently wed to my husband.  It causes me to reflect on what the gentleness of God must look like, in a more tangible way- as a newlywed.

Sometimes, we need this fresh start in order to see things in a different light.  For so many years, I had been in a state of grieving when things were beyond my expectation from leaving religious life.  But now, I see how my loving God- and my husband- have been so gentle, and patiently waiting for me, to be ready for my actual vocation. 

Let us begin each day anew, with a curiosity, rather than a demand, of what God may have in store for us.

Let us find rest in our loving God.

Let us answer the call to holiness, whichever our vocation may be. God loves our little acts of love too, as St. Therese came to realize and share with us.

Let me end this post with a quote from St. Benedict: “Let us set out on our way with the gospel as our guide.”