Monday, August 21, 2017

Psalm 19

“The heavens declare the glory of God;
The sky proclaims its builders craft.
One day to the next conveys that message;
One night to the next imparts that knowledge.
There is no word or sound;
No voice is heard;
Yet their report goes forth through all the earth,
Their message, to the ends of the world.
God has pitched there a tent for the sun;
It comes forth like a bridegroom from his chamber;
And like an athlete joyfully runs its course.
From one end of the heavens it comes forth;
Its course runs through to the other;

Nothing escapes its heat.”

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Confidence In God

We just celebrated the Feast of Our Lady’s Assumption into Heaven.  It’s funny, because it made me ponder Our Lord’s Ascension into Heaven rather than her own!  I remember once, as a teenager, how I meditated on “being with Him” during that time.  I did not want to let Him go!  But He kept promising me that He would never leave me.
Now, after learning from St. Therese, I am practicing the attitude of confidence; confidence that Jesus never leaves me.  Sure, there are still plenty of times where I have to strive to put this attitude of trust and assurance into effect, but I am building up these “spiritual muscles” of grace.

Yes!  (Or is it no?)  Jesus never leaves us.  It is we who tend to leave Him.  It is I who am saddened, thinking I am alone.  But He never is the cause for saddening me, because He really never left!  Let us take another look at God as Father, and know that He never abandons His children- and neither will Our Lady.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

A Thriving Catholic (Continued)

So, resuming our discussion, what is a thriving Catholic?
First and foremost, it involves being active partakers in the Sacraments.  Being in a state of grace brings us closer to union with and living Jesus in our day to day lives.  It means more than just being catechized and formed with a healthy conscience.
When it comes to Living Jesus, as is the motto I have come to know and love, it is important not to keep the fruits of the sacraments to ourselves.  After all, love is active, full and alive!  I find this to be very true when proclaiming the truth at youth group and in preparing for the Becoming Disciples ministry.  While watching the CORE team give talks to highschoolers, I see both their piety and enthusiasm for living out Church Teachings. 
In addition, I have been blessed as a Catholic to go to three different countries on pilgrimage.  Whether these places are currently secularized or still enriched by the Faith, it has brought me to a greater realization of the universality of the Church.  Now, when the priest says “Remember Lord Your Church, spread throughout the world,” after the consecration at Mass, I remember the people and places I have come to know.  After all, does not Catholic mean “universal?”

How do you thrive as a Catholic?  Do you go to Mass on Sundays and Holy Days?  These sacraments and opportunities bring us into the Mystery of Truth- the fullness of Truth!  God be Ever Praised!

Saturday, August 5, 2017

A Thriving Catholic

                What does it mean to be a “Thriving Catholic?”  I know it must mean one is practicing, but is there something more to it?  Jesus says, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life” (italics mine).  I know it’s got to be more than feelings.  It’s about the way we choose to live.
                So my question for you is: do you see yourself as a “Thriving Catholic?” 

                Stay tuned for examples!