Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Happy (Belated) Feast Day Blessed Mother!

Feliz Dia de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe
            I realize it can be difficult to celebrate feast days in the middle of the week as we scramble to finish the school semester or finish that one project before “winter break.”  But I encourage you to pause even for a moment to remember the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas and Protector of the Unborn.  Let us look to her as a Mother and ask her intercession for our times.

            “Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thine intercession was left unaided.
            Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my mother; to thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me.  Amen.”
(The Memorare Prayer)

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Holy Anticipation

                Welcome to the anticipatory Season of Advent!  I feel like my own preparations started a couple months earlier than usual, in emotionally- and gift-wise- for the birth of my first niece.  True, she was not announced to my sister by the angel Gabriel or said to be our Savior, but she is the beginning of something new in both my sister and brother-in-law’s lives as well as in my own, meaning as a first-time aunt. 
                Boy or girl? 
                What would it be like the first time I hold her in my arms?  (I have found out by now.) 
                Amidst all this anxiety and excitement, I started to parallel it with Our Lady and St. Joseph’s own anticipation as they awaited that special time when the Savior of the world- their own baby- would be born.  What a responsibility!  And yet, during my first visit to see my own precious niece, I saw the new parents’ swiftness to heed to her little cries, and also the natural interaction between parents and child.  How beautiful! 
                As we enter into this blessed season in preparation for Christmas, may we see the sanctity of all human life.  Because, with them, the world will never be the same.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

The Call to Be Saints

                This week has been filled with a variety of popular saints' feast days: from the promising protection of the Guardian Angels, the bold, confident St. Therese of Lisieux, and the simplicity of St. Francis of Assisi, to name a few.  No two saints (or angels) seem to be exactly alike, yet they all portray themselves as followers of Jesus in their own day and age.  How can we aspire to the call to holiness?  Need we be exactly like them?  So long as we follow the Teachings of the Church, we don’t have to make the same steps of what it takes to be called Catholic.  Each and every saint was drawn to varying devotions, careers, and not every follower assumed the same vocation. 

                What is your calling, in this striving to holiness?  How will you say “yes” to Jesus?

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Enduring Hardship

                During these past few days, we have celebrated two feasts and one Sunday that refer to the Suffering and Death of Our Lord (The Exaltation of the Cross, Our Lady of Sorrows, and the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time).  It has been during this time that I have been challenged to embrace my own suffering and inconveniences.  But why would I do something like that?  I know in my own life, I am not the most patient in this.  You see, the sorrows of this life are uncomfortable, and often a contradiction of what we would personally like to see in life. 
                But God is full of surprises!  And that will bring more value, more purpose to what we can offer to God.  Of course, it is alright to seek help from others and medicine to relieve a sickness, but what we do during the “waiting game” for relief can be part of our lesson in taking on what we must endure.
                I will mention again, I am far from perfect in the face of suffering, but there is always time to learn and grow.  (For example, St. Therese’s little way and “empty hands” have been a tremendous help for me.) 
Let us stand at the foot of cross with Our Lady, give what we have, and await the resurrection of Our Lord.
God be Praised!  Always!

Friday, August 31, 2018

Speaking Through the Darkness

Speaking Through the Darkness
                Pain is not an easy emotion to live with.  But it comes in various forms and different situations.  These include the physical and psychological.  Both burn, but take separate means of treatment. When they take place, it is as if time stood still.  The one I have experienced the most these past three years is the psychological.  It cannot be touched, but it can be experienced heavily.  And in difficult moments, I have had to remember that God is greater than the terror of what I might go through. In the end of each battle, we see our peers of the same earthly sorrows with empathy. 
                This unwanted emotional “experience” is not in vain. Many would definitely prefer to go without. But with each ounce of strain comes a learned lesson.  Not that we have done wrong, but what will make us stronger people. This is my own personal mission as I notice the silent cries of others, that I can speak to them through their darkness.  How will you learn from yours?

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

The Need for Courage

                I may have blogged about this before, but I have felt a need for courage that is stronger than usual.  I had called it upon the fictional characters of my stories growing up, and now it was being challenged in my own life. 
                But there is also this preference for remaining in the “shadows” of fear and paralyzing timidity. 
                “Do I dare?”  “What are the consequences?”
                Yes, sometimes it is best to pace ourselves in these “unnatural leaps and bounds,” but the need to push ourselves is still there. 
                Find a place of refuge, a childlike trust in Our Father, Who calls for us to do these things not only as practicing Catholics, but as a call to personal growth. 
                Let us go out into the deep.  Jesus is calling us!

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Authentic Witnesses

                At the beginning of St. Paul’s letter in this Sunday’s Readings (Ephesians 4:1-6), he starts off by challenging us to “live in a manner worthy of the call you have received.”  It can be a little intimidating right?  But that’s because we must be more than just Christians in name.  He goes on to list different attributes.
                Let’s parallel it to other daily life examples.  Is it not part of a buisnessman’s job to behave professionally?  Do they curse and argue with clients?  No! 
                As Christians, we are not expected to be perfect.  But we are always working at bettering ourselves through prayer, the Sacraments (Confession especially, in this case), and mentors in the Church.  And we must not always be “good” at church, but be an example of virtue and love in our everyday lives.  I like to see it as being part of St. Therese’s “Little Way.”  We don’t have to take on huge roles in the Church (that is, unless you feel so called.)  But we can perform small, good deeds with the best of intentions to please Jesus and save souls.  Let us go forth with this commitment as authentic witnesses of God’s Love!

Thursday, July 12, 2018

It's not always easy to stand up for the Catholic Faith.  It can seem so contradictory and misunderstood by our modern society.  I didn't feel ready when a new acquaintance asked me for the specifics of what I believe.  I have spoken at youth group so many times, but this time, I was just getting past a spiritual struggle.  Yet I wasn't about to leave them with their false assumptions.
St Peter says "but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence.". (1 Peter 3:15)
Be proud to be Catholic and do not let people walk away with misunderstandings and bad first impressions.  At the same time, it's not about forcing it down people's throats.
Let the Holy Spirit guide you!

Monday, July 2, 2018

Facing Fear Head-On
I am not the greatest at following directions to places; especially in unfamiliar surroundings.  I had to walk about 1.2 miles by myself today while living away from home.  I have been going for ten minute walks lately, but I would just walk straight one way, then turn around and come straight back to the house.  But now I was putting all my trust in Google Maps to get me to the store.
It's in situations like this that I have learned to face my anxiety that 1/2 the struggle is removed.  Yes, I still struggle because of my learning difficulty, but I don't have to be afraid.  If we give in to our fear and avoid all the time, how will we become our trust selves?  Not all anxieties are that easy to overcome, but practice makes perfect.
God be Praised!  Always!

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Life isn't always going to be easy, but even during those hard times, I KNOW that God has a plan in them.  And, believe me, I have not always seen it.  But, as I go along the path, I have gained so much from the experiences!  Whether it is empathy or resolve to grow.  Yes, sometimes they are mistakes, and, yes, sometimes they're innocent struggles.  But God doesn't just take the seemingly "perfect." He takes the broken.  Talk to Him and a trusted friend about it.  He loves you.  😁

Saturday, February 24, 2018


                One of my “favorite,” most meaningful, aspects of evangelizing about has been topics based on spirituality.  It teaches how to live out the truth of the Catholic Faith as well as identifying it with the lessons of daily living.
                I have gotten a glimpse of different spiritualities while discerning with different religious communities.  I have especially come to love Salesian spirituality while at the Visitation Monastery, as St. Francis de Sales was their founder.  He definitely is a gentle saint!  I have read so many of his writings that have “softened” the hard grip of judgment that I had on myself previously.  No, I’m not perfect still, but he continues to remind me that gentleness is indeed a virtue!
                I’m sure a lot of what is developed into spirituality also comes with life experience.  For example, St. Therese, a Carmelite nun, could have easily become discouraged about the road to holiness; but she didn’t.  Looking back through the Scriptures and knowing God to be merciful rather than harsh, she knew she could run to Him like a child, arms outstretched towards His welcoming embrace. 
                The emphasis of different spiritualities are a great guide to Christian living.  Learn from your own life or the lives of others, and you’ll realize an exemplary way to holiness!  God be ever praised!

Sunday, February 18, 2018

The Time of Fulfillment

“This is the time of fulfillment” Jesus says in this Sunday’s gospel.  Do you ever reach a point in your life when you feel yourself saying this?  Sometimes I feel this way when I’m about to give a talk at youth group.  But I also remember reaching this “epic” time at the beginning of my formation while at the monastery.  It was this pivotal moment that had long been awaited.  And at every Night Prayer when we made the Sign of the Cross and chanted “Now let Your servant go in peace, Your word has been fulfilled,” I truly sensed a completion to my life.  I was wearing the habit, chanting the office, gliding through the monastery as a Sister…  Yes!  Now is the time of fulfillment. 
Back out in the world as a lay person, I don’t need to feel like those days are over.  I can still live out a “time of fulfillment” by living out the gospel from day to day.  I can be a witness, a channel of God’s love, and live out that “The Kingdom of God is at hand.” 
Now is the time!  What time are you living out?

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Union and Glorification

 As a former religious novice, I have often referred to the phrases of doing “all for the glory of God” and “the salvation of souls.”  I’ve also liked to consider myself as a “spiritual mother,” but today’s Second Reading from Paul’s Letter to the Corinthians reminded me of doing “everything for the glory of God.”  Everything must be offered up for the Divine Good Pleasure, with the faith that it is received by a Loving Father rather than offered into thin air. 
It is important that we do everything for God rather than to please others.  Though it is important to do things for, say, our boss, or some sort of leader; but we cannot always be people-pleasers.  I have learned this from experience.  We must do everything for this Higher Power, especially because He cares so much for us. 
Let us do everything in acknowledgment of God.  Not just out of fear, but in response to love.  It is a connection that must be in continuum, and union with our Creator Who stoops down to us.  Should we not also reach up to Him?

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Wonder and Awe

Sorry it’s been so long!  I’ve had a lot of health needs to attend to.  I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, though it lands on a Sunday this year.  It snuck up on me.  It seems like we were just celebrating Christmas, and now we are preparing for Lent!  God likes to keep us on our toes. 

Even while we are still in Ordinary Time, let us remember to observe it extraordinarily well!  There is always a Mystery or a gospel scene we can be meditating on.  What will come to light?  I like praying with the daily readings, and go to daily Mass when I can.  It brings a sense of wonder and awe to my day. 

Having daily devotionals can add flavor to our day too.  Having that fervor brings more meaning to our day.

Have a blessed weekend!

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Celebrating Reconversion

Faith is always in need of a reconversion.  As St. Augustine says: Oh beauty ever ancient, oh beauty ever new.  Faith, hope, and love must never grow dismal.  It requires constant rekindling with both joy and wholeheartedness. 

Let us celebrate this gift of faith.  Does it thrive in our hearts, or has its sparks been tampered down?  As we commemorate the Conversion of St. Paul today, may we too be challenged from the normalcy of weekly church attendance to doing something extra for the Sacred Heart of Jesus!

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Answering the Call

The past couple of weeks in the gospel, Our Lord has been calling the disciples to follow after Him.  Do we feel the call?  Is it a summons to walk away from the world’s temptations, or to go to daily Mass?  Sometimes the call is attractive, while other times it can feel too radical.  It is often about self-denial.  Are we accepting the call to radical holiness, or are we determined to blend in? 

Give Jesus some of your time: I’m ready Lord.  I’m ready.