Saturday, September 15, 2018

Enduring Hardship

                During these past few days, we have celebrated two feasts and one Sunday that refer to the Suffering and Death of Our Lord (The Exaltation of the Cross, Our Lady of Sorrows, and the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time).  It has been during this time that I have been challenged to embrace my own suffering and inconveniences.  But why would I do something like that?  I know in my own life, I am not the most patient in this.  You see, the sorrows of this life are uncomfortable, and often a contradiction of what we would personally like to see in life. 
                But God is full of surprises!  And that will bring more value, more purpose to what we can offer to God.  Of course, it is alright to seek help from others and medicine to relieve a sickness, but what we do during the “waiting game” for relief can be part of our lesson in taking on what we must endure.
                I will mention again, I am far from perfect in the face of suffering, but there is always time to learn and grow.  (For example, St. Therese’s little way and “empty hands” have been a tremendous help for me.) 
Let us stand at the foot of cross with Our Lady, give what we have, and await the resurrection of Our Lord.
God be Praised!  Always!