Jesus taught the disciples many
things, by word and example. This means
not only in His parables and miracles, but by His passion, death, and
resurrection. He also taught them this: “But
the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will
teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.”
(John 14:26)
goodness Jesus promises to help them remember, and own up to, everything! In my own life, I value all that I was
catechized in, during my growing up years.
I am now able to grasp things so much better when I study these things
at a more advanced level in books and CDs, and be a more confident leader at
youth group. This learning is an ongoing
process, but the Holy Spirit has also been there to inspire me to have a relationship
with this historical but also ever-present Person: Jesus Christ. I can trust in His Divine Mercy and know why
I’m praying the Chaplet’s prayers, because of its ongoing stories of grace in
church history. This is only one example
of how alive this truth of Jesus is, and continues to be this day. It shows me how I can lead a Christ-like life
and be a more authentic disciple too.