This past Sunday, I had the great joy of being able to participate in the Mass inside my church. What a joy to be home again! I continuously pray an act of thanksgiving to God for this reopening, and I hope to never take it for granted. I rejoiced in the "Glory to God," and remember that He promises to never leave us. Even in the midst of turmoil and confusion, He is here among us. Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ!
I know that some of you are still celebrating the Mass outside. It is my prayer that this incoming, cooler weather does not become a detriment for you. I also hope that you are able to find a nearby, Catholic church that is able to open its doors to you. It is not your parish's fault if you are unable to go inside your church. May Jesus give you the strength to persevere during these difficult times. Receive Jesus in the Sacraments of Confession and in Holy Communion, that you may have all the graces you need to strengthen yourselves in the Faith. And in all things, may Jesus Christ be praised!