Welcome to the Third Week of Advent! I was delighted to pray Morning Prayer with my husband before our advent wreathe which glows all the brighter this week. There are a few things I would like to cover in this post about this time of year.
It is a time to rejoice!
I know that there are people out there in the world who feel too forgotten and/or lonely to rejoice. If this is you, keep this in mind: it is not a sin to be sad on Christmas, if this is where you find yourself. And if you have the time to give, remember to think, pray, and do something for those in need. Reach out with a Christmas card so that someone feels remembered; give them a phone call; donate to your local homeless shelter. We might not be able to change the situation ourselves, but at least they will not feel alone in their need. They do not have to remain forgotten.
The other day I was reflecting on the Holy Family: Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. It is a special time of year to consider how they supported one another as a family. The God-Man, lying in a manger; Our Blessed Mother, also conceived without sin, "pondering all these things in her heart;" but what about Joseph? He was not immaculately conceived; he was simply a man! He must have felt humbled, to be the foster father of the promised Messiah, and the wife of Mary. St. Joseph preferred to be in the background, probably also treasuring these life events in his heart, like Our Lady, but also knowing that he was a sinner. That makes him all the more relatable to us, who sometimes fall short. How can we imitate St. Joseph, in his humility, before the good things of God?
I also would like to mentioned a recent homily given by a great, Catholic speaker, Fr. Mike Schmitz (on the youtube channel: Sundays with Ascension). He made a lot of points about this past Sunday's Readings. One thing that stood out for me was more of a confirmation regarding what I try to explain on this blog and my YouTube channel (A Catholic Presence). How can we strive to live in the Presence of God? I learned how to practice Direction of Intention while in the monastery, and how to stay ever in His loving Presence. So I highly recommend watching Fr. Mike's video, along with the other points he makes.
That's what has been on my heart today. Wishing you a joy-filled week, and remember to rejoice in all things!