Tuesday, April 5, 2022


 As we approach Holy Week, I have become more intentional in pausing before images of Our Lord that my husband and I have on display throughout the house: a crucifix, a divine mercy image, etc.  I slow down from chores and rushing to get ready for work.  Jesus is waiting to be noticed.  Do I stop and acknowledge His Presence?  Do I reflect on the rays coming from His Hands in the divine mercy image?  Do I whisper, "Jesus, I trust in You."  

I have especially found meaning behind seeing Jesus in the crucifix.  Do I realize the pain, the agony, that He goes through for us?  He is literally hanging there, but also loving me.  It reminds me to go beyond the comfortable.  And the choosing to forgive when I might not "feel" like forgiving.  Or doing an extra act of love because I want to save souls.  Jesus teaches me what it means to suffer and to love.

Our Lord waits for me to notice Him not only during my set prayer times, but throughout the day.  So I remember to slow down and acknowledge, love, and lean on Him; because He is the great I AM.

This is only "A Scratch Off the Surface" in living "In The Presence of God."