Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Going Forth

     All through Holy Week, some of my family members kept a candle constantly burning.  Once one candle burned all the way down, (with the help of a glass holder, a stand, and some foil underneath it,) it was replaced with another one.  The same goes with our Easter celebration.  It goes on in the octave of eight days, goes forth with Our Lord’s Ascension into Heaven, and then we are blessed by the solemnity of Pentecost. 
     Our joy of the gospel must always be fed, and we must never stop bringing it to others.  As the priest or deacon says at the conclusion of Mass, “Go forth,” we must go forth bringing the nourishment of the Word and of the Eucharist to others. 
Don’t let the fire in your hearts burn out!  Jesus is Risen, and we are inspired to bring this joy to others.  Alleluia!

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Holy Triduum

    I have wondered if I should sit at my computer and write all of you during this Holy Triduum.  I won’t say much, but I hope that you are able to take the time to contemplate the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Our Lord, Who cares deeply about us.

Friday, April 3, 2020

A Time for Faith, Hope, and Love

          We are approaching Holy Week… with a highly contagious virus floating in the air.  Masses and devotionals are being live-streamed and latex gloves are worn when touching anything beyond the house.  Personally, I’m not sure if this is a direct message from God, but I do know that there is a great need for faith, hope, and of course love for each other.  I would also like to add that the Church very recently commemorated 15 years since Pope St. John Paul the II’s death.  I love his timely words when he once said, "I plead with you--never, ever give up on hope, never doubt, never tire, and never become discouraged. Be not afraid."
          As we reflect on the passion, death, and resurrection of Our Lord, let us know Who to turn our hearts to.  We must follow all directions to stay healthy, but we can also do it in peace.  I know from day to day experience that is hard to live without anxiety emotionally knocking me over.  But I also know that Someone is here, caring about our well-being.
          Jesus, I Trust in You!