Thursday, July 20, 2017

“God is Love”

I’ve been reading a wonderful, spiritual book by Brother Lawrence called The Practice of the Presence of God.  It is written in little sections by him and his friend Joseph de Beaufort.  In the “Second Conversation,” the latter writes of how Br. Lawrence did everything out of love for God.  I have read about such intentions from commentators on the life of St. Therese of Lisieux.  Both brother and nun had similar ambitions, even when they received no love in return from their neighbor.
Inspired by these witnesses of God’s Love, I too desire to follow this way of life.  My reading of spiritual books has taught me that, where there is love, God is present; because “God is love.” (cf. 1 John 4:8)  I can glimpse Who He is every time I choose to act in this way. 
Being human and still disciplining myself, I find that it is easy to let these opportunities slip by.  For example, by passing someone without saying hello.  There goes my chance to love, let alone to see Jesus in my neighbor!  But I still persist in this quest to be “love in the Heart of the Church” (paraphrase), as St. Therese puts it so beautifully. 
Can I bring love to others?  Not the romantic type of love, but the caring, compassion of Jesus? 
Live Jesus!

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Finding God in L.A.

            My parents and I took a trip to Los Angeles to pick up my sister at the airport.  I had been looking forward to it with enthusiasm, as I wanted to start this series of a quest to Finding God in the big, secular city. 
            Anticipating this excursion, I pondered how Our Creator can be found amidst the hustle and bustle.  Would I only find Him when on my knees?
            As expected, Highway 405 traffic was very heavy.  10 AM and still slowed up!  The occasional, angry, car horns gave me some anxiety from the backseat, but I managed.  Daring locals cut each other off, whether on the highway or in town.
            The houses were large and expensive.  I wondered if these “rich people” had generous hearts toward those in need?
            After picking up my sister at LAX, we headed over to Santa Monica, a touristy area by the beach.  Walking along the sidewalk above the sandy beach, I saw that only hearts can be touched if we let God into our lives.  Some people dressed in clingy fashion statements, or played blaring, loud music as we passed.             
            Though kneeling shows reverence in appropriate places like the cathedral (which I regret being unable to see in LA since it was twenty miles out of our way), I knew that God could be seen everywhere.  The tiniest flower blossoming along the walk or in the eyes of a lonely bystander brings Him to light in our hearts and in our minds. 

            God can be found everywhere, if we only let Him in- even in a crazy city like Los Angeles!

Sunday, July 9, 2017


Today, Jesus praises the Father for revealing Himself to the childlike.  
The childlike.  
It brought me to thinking of how it does not matter so much what we do, but the heart that makes the difference.  St. Paul has spoken to the Corinthians of having gifts and all knowledge, but without love, is nothing. 

I sometimes wonder what I can bring to the world to make a difference.  When I feel incapable due to health issues, I have to remind myself that it is the heart that matters.  Am I praying?  Do I offer it up for special intentions?  Am I “busy” loving God?  Do I have a relationship with Him?  Do I stand by Our Lady in her fidelity whether it be at the nativity, during Our Lord’s public ministry, and even at the foot of the cross?

Monday, July 3, 2017

Sent Forth

“Go in peace,” the deacon said at the end of Mass. 
“Thanks be to God!”  The congregation replied.
In being sent forth, it is not concluded in the context of a sigh of relief, but with great rejoicing.  This is how we should see the closing of Mass.  We are sent on this Monday morning to our jobs, to our families, and to our errands with the blessing of peace. 
How will we choose to live the Eucharist, the selfless Christ in our hearts and in our lives?