Monday, August 31, 2020

Word for the Week!

                 Welcome in, September 2020!  Let us see how this month turns out. 

                The Word for the Week is Patience. Like I have said before, I do not choose these words because I am a pro.  This one in particular is something that I have had to keep on relearning.  We live in a fast-paced world of getting things now, now, now!  From a positive perspective on this, there are plenty of opportunities to practice Patience. 

                How can we take on this virtue and let go of our high expectations and demands?  Will our priorities change if we know how to cope, in this art of waiting a little longer? 

                Lord Jesus, thank You for the given times for practicing Patience.  Let me not only see these golden opportunities to practice it, but to also help me know how to endure it with a smile.


Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Word of the Week: Embrace

This week, I thought we could reflect on the word embrace.  We all have fears, joys, and everything in between.  What if we learned to observe and embrace these feelings, taking them on as part of the human experience?  

As I have mentioned before, I am practicing the Word for the Week too.  In this case, I know my first response to the negative is discouragement.  But what if I learned to accept and embrace both the hardships and good things in life?  They are filled with opportunities!  Let us learn to embrace them.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Word of the Week: Inspire

     Today’s word for the day is Inspire!  What keeps us going?  A motivational speech?  A word received from the wise?  I know, with me at least, it is good to keep inspiration up front.  This week may be a good time to notice the inspirations that drive us to our goals. 

     So be inspired!

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Word for the Week

 Today's Word for the Week is Acceptance. Sure, it is easy to take on the things that go our way; but what about the more difficult things? Like the times we run behind schedule, or forget to buy something on our grocery list? We must always strive to do our best, but we must also remember that we are not perfect.

Please join me in reflecting and recognizing how we can accept the harder situations.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Present in Adoration

I have started making a habit of going to my parish’s adoration chapel after a day of volunteering.  Having gone so long without showing up, due to the virus, it helps me to unwind from the hustle of clerical work and serving clients at the Center.  What a difference it makes to say hello to Jesus!  Although we have to social distance even in this designated room, there is still that sense of awe and reverence. 

Our Lord Jesus Christ, present in the mystery of the Eucharist, waits for us.  And I believe that it is in these times of isolation, dread, and annoyance, that we need Him the most.  He wants to be there for us.  And we also need to be there for Him.  Sure, we cannot always gather as a community, but we can still raise our eyes to Heaven and make a spiritual communion.  Even better, we can receive Him during the celebration of the Mass! 

Thank You, Jesus, for being present among us.  Give us hearts of peace, rather than hardness, during these days of fear and isolation.  Show us how to be present to You, as You are present to us, in so many ways.  Amen! 

Live Jesus!