Friday, August 31, 2018

Speaking Through the Darkness

Speaking Through the Darkness
                Pain is not an easy emotion to live with.  But it comes in various forms and different situations.  These include the physical and psychological.  Both burn, but take separate means of treatment. When they take place, it is as if time stood still.  The one I have experienced the most these past three years is the psychological.  It cannot be touched, but it can be experienced heavily.  And in difficult moments, I have had to remember that God is greater than the terror of what I might go through. In the end of each battle, we see our peers of the same earthly sorrows with empathy. 
                This unwanted emotional “experience” is not in vain. Many would definitely prefer to go without. But with each ounce of strain comes a learned lesson.  Not that we have done wrong, but what will make us stronger people. This is my own personal mission as I notice the silent cries of others, that I can speak to them through their darkness.  How will you learn from yours?

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

The Need for Courage

                I may have blogged about this before, but I have felt a need for courage that is stronger than usual.  I had called it upon the fictional characters of my stories growing up, and now it was being challenged in my own life. 
                But there is also this preference for remaining in the “shadows” of fear and paralyzing timidity. 
                “Do I dare?”  “What are the consequences?”
                Yes, sometimes it is best to pace ourselves in these “unnatural leaps and bounds,” but the need to push ourselves is still there. 
                Find a place of refuge, a childlike trust in Our Father, Who calls for us to do these things not only as practicing Catholics, but as a call to personal growth. 
                Let us go out into the deep.  Jesus is calling us!