Tuesday, August 8, 2017

A Thriving Catholic (Continued)

So, resuming our discussion, what is a thriving Catholic?
First and foremost, it involves being active partakers in the Sacraments.  Being in a state of grace brings us closer to union with and living Jesus in our day to day lives.  It means more than just being catechized and formed with a healthy conscience.
When it comes to Living Jesus, as is the motto I have come to know and love, it is important not to keep the fruits of the sacraments to ourselves.  After all, love is active, full and alive!  I find this to be very true when proclaiming the truth at youth group and in preparing for the Becoming Disciples ministry.  While watching the CORE team give talks to highschoolers, I see both their piety and enthusiasm for living out Church Teachings. 
In addition, I have been blessed as a Catholic to go to three different countries on pilgrimage.  Whether these places are currently secularized or still enriched by the Faith, it has brought me to a greater realization of the universality of the Church.  Now, when the priest says “Remember Lord Your Church, spread throughout the world,” after the consecration at Mass, I remember the people and places I have come to know.  After all, does not Catholic mean “universal?”

How do you thrive as a Catholic?  Do you go to Mass on Sundays and Holy Days?  These sacraments and opportunities bring us into the Mystery of Truth- the fullness of Truth!  God be Ever Praised!

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