Monday, February 27, 2017

Monday Before Ash Wednesday

Monday Before Ash Wednesday
As we are two days from Ash Wednesday and concluding what we are going to do for Lent, I want us to consider the use of modern technology and social media.  I’m in the middle of reading Teresa Tomeo’s book called Noise.  I’ve been considering the use of media while developing this blog and the website.  This enables me to evangelize to anyone who comes across it.  Something the book mentioned, though, was that we are so glued to our TVs, phones, and computers, that we are less present to the people right in front of us.  I have read about living mindfully vs. mindlessly.  I’ve got to admit, I’m pretty “mindless” myself.  It seems so much easier to multi-task, such as texting while cooking dinner.  It gives only half of our attention to each task.

Before I go further, I will agree that Catholic apps on our phones are a blessing.  I’m preparing for the Marian Consecration using an app.  But that’s in addition to a life of personal prayer and spiritual reading – and books are so much easier to read than from a screen! 
Let us clear the way to be more “mindful” of what we are doing.  In particular, in giving God more of our time.  Turn off the radio.  Let that incoming text wait a minute.  It’s time to open our hearts to prayer. 

Let Lent be the start of a new beginning.  Have a trusted friend hold you accountable; it’s very encouraging!  Open your Bible and let the words come in at a personal level.  Do yourself a favor and unwind from your busy life and make room for an authentic relationship with God; even if it means getting up fifteen minutes earlier every day.  Now is the time.  “The Kingdom of God is at hand.”

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