Thursday, May 9, 2024

Happy Feast of the Ascension

 We have reached the Feast of the Ascension, and now it is time for the Novena to the Holy Spirit, which leads to Pentecost!  Jesus promised His disciples that He would never leave them, and He makes that same promise to us.  I try to look for different signs of His Presence throughout the day, and wonder how I can bring His Love to others.  

The Holy Spirit works through us, and we need to be open by having a relationship with Him.  This includes through personal prayer, by receiving the sacraments, and bringing the joy of being a Christian to others.  

I am learning to rejoice in Jesus and to love Him in both the ups and downs of life, because I know I can trust in Him.  Yes, we are called to trust in Him even when things do not go according to our plans, in good times and in bad, and to carry our cross with Him.  Because we are not alone; Jesus walks with us, and He loves us.  

So let us rejoice in Him Who redeems us!  He has ascended into Heaven!

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