Friday, May 24, 2024

Pentecost... Now What?

 So we celebrated Easter for an entire liturgical season, then Jesus' Ascension, then Pentecost....  Now what?  We enter back into Ordinary Time with Sunday Solemnities, but what do we do now?

Well, from Pentecost, the disciples went forth to proclaim the gospel.  Even to this day, all Christians are called to proclaim the truth of Jesus' redeeming love, with others.  Each of us has our own gifts and talents, word and example, to bring the Love of God to others.  The question for you personally is: 

How will you be a witness of His Love?  

Ask Jesus how you can better serve Him.  With every vocation, and in every day to day decision, is an opportunity to bring Him to others, and to sanctify the moment. 

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